Archivi tag: iPad

DrumsLive ™ is on the bus!

DrumsLive ™ is on the bus!!!

We are proud to announce that from today the most realistic drumset on the App Store has joined the Audiobus family, a community of 180+ (and growing! ) musical apps among the best on their class working together and sharing features to give the users more power and tools to exploit their creativity!


Now you can easily use our ultrarealistic kits in your daws, and import your DrumsLive ™ tracks on your projects on your other Audiobus compatible apps (eg. GarageBand by Apple), in real time and without effort!

DrumsLive ™ has joined Audiobus, now it’s your turn to join DrumsLive ™!

If you want to know more about Audiobus, what it is and how it works, we recommend you to visit the official site:

To see a list of all the apps supporting it: